We live and work in a society for which each person shares responsibility. Our firm acts accordingly because of consciousness, accountability and responsibility to society. This applies both in the relationship to our employees but also to our fellow citizens.

By means of flexible work hour models and part-time work offerings, we make it possible for our employees to reconcile their personal family and professional lives as far as possible.

Our firm always maintains an above-average position in the branch with regard to the number of our training positions. In this context, we exercise all possibilities of creating new and secure jobs.

We support projects for our fellow citizens, both one-off and long-term. Included herein are currently:

  • "Deutscher Frauenring Ortsverband Darmstadt" (Women’s Shelter)
  • "Kinderschutzbund" Darmstadt (Children’s Protection Alliance)
  • der Verein "Sag ja zum Kind" (Say Yes to Children)
  • an education partnership with the Edith-Stein-Schule (Edith-Stein-School) in Darmstadt
  • "Societá Dante Alighieri" Darmstadt
  • Kunstverein Darmstadt (art club)
  • "Kiwanis" Förderverein Darmstadt (booster club)
  • "Kinderschutzbund" Freiberg (Children’s Protection Alliance
  • various sport associations

In addition, we are very proud of the various and voluntary commitments of the employees of our team.