Within the framework of the mandatory annual financial statements and consolidated audits pursuant to the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB), we make a statement with regard to the reliability of the statements contained in the annual financial statements and the management report.

Highly qualified audit teams and the utilisation of our audit software support us with the efficient performance of the audit mandate.

However, we also conduct other mandatory special audits for you:

  • audit pursuant to § 53 of the German Law on Budget Principles (Regularity of Management) (Haushaltsgrundsätzegesetz (Ordnungsmäßigkeit der Geschäftsführung))

  • audits pursuant to the German Stock Corporation Act and Act Governing Limited Liability Companies (Aktien- und GmbH-Gesetz) such as, e.g. incorporation audit, audit of the valuation of the increase of in-kind contributions and post-formation audit

  • audits with corporate reorganisations according to the German Corporate Reorganisation Act (Umwandlungsgesetz) such as, e.g. split-up, spin-off, change of form and merger

  • audits pursuant to the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz)