Despite the good intentions of the last years, the German tax law is one of the most complex of the world. Almost every business transaction requires therefore a comprehensive tax law examination.
Today, there is a requirement of specialisation even within the tax law itself. Our tax advisers are specialists therefore on wage tax law, international tax law, VAT law, taxes on earnings law, inheritance and gift tax law, reorganization tax law as well as investment subsidy law.
We represent and support our clients vis-à-vis the tax administration within the framework of the support with tax audits, in taxation procedures and, insofar as necessary, also before the tax courts.
As a consequence of our membership in the internationally active network "MSI Global Alliance", both we and our clients have competent contact partners also with complex questions of tax law in all important commercial centres of the world.
National legal and economic particularities are taken into consideration from the outset and integrated into the strategic considerations.