Michael Haase worked many years in the fiscal administration of the State of Hesse – almost exclusively in the field of official audits and large company audits.

In 1997, he was appointed as a tax adviser, followed by the appointment as an auditor in 2003. In 2008, he concluded his further education studies at the Fernuniversität Hagen (Open University Hagen). In 2010, appointment as an expert adviser for international tax law. In 2019 appoinment as member of the Committee on Procedural and Criminal Tax Law of the Federal Chamber of Tax Consultants.

In addition to the law relating to balance sheets and taxes on income as well as tax procedure law (complex objection and litigation proceedings before tax authorities and tax courts), Michael Haase’s main focus of interest is international tax law and advice connected therewith for transnational clients, corporate reorganisation tax law as well as law regarding fiscal offences.

On the basis of his many years of work as an auditor, he provides support to external colleagues with government tax audits.